Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Last Sunday

“Hello… I’m still sleeping, ok, see you then”. I was awakened by a phone call at 8.50am despite setting the alarm at 9am. Since moving to my new job, which works every Saturday half a day, Sunday is the only day I can sleep late. Friends, I will turn off my phone next weekend, so don’t call me so early in the morning!

Catching a movie on Sunday is my routine weekend activity. At 10am, I have reached 1 U for Get Smart at noon. Surprisingly, all the “favourite” parking has been taken up, so there are more kiasu people than me.

We had our breakfast at Delicious. My friend had scramble eggs, sautéed mushroom, hash browns, chicken sausages and a cup of llly Affogato. “Order so much, regret buying you breakfast”, whispered in my heart. I just had scramble eggs, hash brown and a cup of hot honey lemon tea to start of my day. It was a perfect breakfast with the food as well as the small talk with friends. The meal was feeling enough for me so that I could skip lunch, worth my RM 60.

The movie was as funny as I expected. D row is the best seat we can get although the movie has been shown for almost a month. If you all want to know more about the movie, can visit http://fliktalk.blogspot.com

Celebrity fitness is the first place I headed after the movie. Intend to burn off calories after heavy breakfast and well prepared for my “free dinner” later. I managed to cycle for 30 minutes and do weights for 15 minutes.

I was joined in dinner with my brother family in La La Chong. We (6 of us) ordered steam fish, black pepper crab, vegetable, squid, steam “la la” and salad prawn. I hardly moved from my seat after the dinner, that was a superb dinner. (Thanks brother!)

I then watched DVD at my friend’s place to round off a packed Sunday. Although it was a simple Sunday, I enjoyed myself….. great breakfast and movie with friends, managed to do my workout and great dinner with brother, especially my cute cute niece.

Looking forward to next weekend…..